Saturday 11 June 2016

How to Root Android without Computer

How to Root Android without Computer

 (APK ROOT without PC)

Kingo Android Root has launched its KingoRoot apk for Android, which provides a universal one-click Android root solution for Android users. It is easy to use and saves the trouble to connect to PC via USB cable.
Before jumping into the rooting process, please make sure you get everything right beforehand.
  • Device powered on.
  • At least 50% battery level.
  • Internet connection necessary (Wi-Fi network suggested).
  • Allow installation of apps from unknown sources.
     Settings > Security > Unknown Sources

Root Android via KingoRoot APK Without PC Step by Step

Step 1: Free download KingoRoot.apk.

Root Android with KingoRoot apk, without connecting to PC
The download will be automatically started. If Chrome has warned you about KingoRoot.apk, click "OK" to proceed.
KingoRoot Apk Download, the best one-click root apk for free
If you are using PC to view this tutorial, you have three choices.

Step 2: Install KingoRoot.apk on your device.

If you didn't check "Unknown Sources" in Settings > Security, then during installation, you will get a prompt "Install blocked", stating that "For security, your phone is set to block installation of apps obtained from unknown sources".
Root any Android device with KingoRoot, the best one-click Android apk root tool.
Just follow phone instructions and install Kingo Root on your device and allow installs from "Unknown Sources".
Root any Android device with KingoRoot, the best one-click Android apk root tool.

Step 3: Launch "Kingo ROOT" app and start rooting.

Kingo Root is very user-friendly and easy to use. Click "One Click Root" to start the rooting process.
Kingo Root Apk Main Interface

Step 4: Waiting for a few seconds till the result screen appear.

Kingo Root Apk Rooting

Step 5: Succeeded or Failed.

It is highly recommended that you try several times when rooting with KingoRoot apk version. We have several rooting methods integrated in apk root, however, it will only run one at a time.
Kingo Root Apk Root Succeed

Thanks for being here.

Hack Whatsapp easily. Simple And easy.


Need to Hack WhatsApp Account?
Below is a WhatsApp Hack Guide with Complete Instructions!
Learn how to hack WhatsApp in simple steps with the following easy to follow and foolproof tutorial. Since WhatsApp has become one of the popular app to share messages and media instantly, it has also become a favorite place for many to engage in illicit activities. Therefore, in order to investigate the truth people are left with no choice other than to hack WhatsApp account.

Possible Ways to Hack WhatsApp

The following are the only two ways to hack WhatsApp account:

1. WhatsApp Hack using a Spying App: The Easiest Way

Even though there are several ways to hack WhatsApp, using a spy app is by far the most simple and easiest way. This method requires no prior hacking knowledge or technical skills to carry out and hence more suitable for common people. Installing a spy app to hack WhatsApp is as simple as installing any other app on mobile. Out of several apps out there, mSpy is one of my favorite one to hack 
WhatsApp Hack with mSpy

mSpy Features:
  • Hack phone Calls and Text Messages.
  • Hack WhatsApp, Skype and other popular messengers.
  • Track Real-Time Location with GPS Tracker.
  • Spy on Contact List and Web Browsing activities.
  • Monitor Emails, Pictures and Videos.
  • Operates in Hidden Mode and remains Undetected!
  • No Rooting Required!

How to Hack WhatsApp with this App?

  1. Download and Install the app on to the target phone which takes not more than a minute.
  2. After this is done, the app silently records all WhatsApp activities in hidden mode.
  3. All the recorded WhatsApp chat is sent to your online account.
  4. View all the information from anywhere at anytime with your online account.
You can download mSpy from the link below:
Download mSpy

2. WhatsApp Hack by Spoofing Mac Address: The Tough Way

There is another method to hack WhatsApp known as Mac address spoofing which involves spoofing the Mac address of the target phone on your own phone. Unlike using spy apps, this one is somewhat time consuming and requires technical skills to implement. To spoof the Mac of the target WhatsApp phone address, follow the below mentioned steps:
  1. Find out the Mac address of the target phone on which you need to hack WhatsApp account:
    • For Android – Navigate to Settings —> About Device —> Status—> Wi-Fi MAC address
    • For iPhone – Navigate to Settings—> General —> About —> Wi-Fi address
  2. Once you’ve the Mac address of the target WHatsApp phone, you can spoof the Mac address as mentioned in my post: How to Spoof the MAC address.
  3. Next, install WhatsApp on your phone using the target phone number and verify it.
  4. Now, you’ve an exact replica of the target WhatsApp account and you should receive all the conversation and updates on your phone as well.

This method of WhatsApp hacking is quite time consuming and is known to have less success rate when compared to the method of using the spy apps. Therefore, if you are someone who does not have sufficient time and skills to implement this, I still recommend the use of mSPy to successfully hack WhatsApp account.
Happy hacking

Sunday 21 July 2013

hacking intro


Hacking intro

20-minute Intro to Hacking

Do you want to learn how to hack, but you don’t even know how to code? This post is for you. I developed these slides for a talk I am giving tomorrow to aspiring college students at College Track SF. If you have any feedback or questions, please email me at This talk is also available in PowerPoint and PDF format.

Beyond the ethical and moral reasons, there are very practical reasons why you should follow ethics:
  • It’s very easy to be caught. Even the most sophisticated hackers get caught. See for example Kevin Mitnick, Jeanson James Ancheta, and Albert Gonzalez.
  • The penalties for unethical hacking are steep. The above listed hackers all spent at least 5 years in prison (Albert Gonzalez is currently serving 20). Also, once you are convicted of a computer crime, it is very difficult to get a job having anything to do with computers. Employers will be scared of you. Furthermore many ethical-hacking jobs (mostly in the government) will require that you take a lie detector test, and they will ask if you have committed computer crimes.
  • There are great rewards for being ethical. For example, if you figure out how to hack Google (using ethical techniques) you can tell Google how you did it and they will give you a reward as much as $20,000. There are also lots of high-paying jobs for ethical hackers.
           Here are some guidelines on how to be ethical:
  • Never hack someone’s system without their permission
  • If you identify a way to hack someone’s system you should tell them so they can fix it. Once they fix it, you can publicize your hack and earn respect from other hackers (and employers).

                   Hacking is fun. That’s probably the number one reason ethical hackers hack. But it can also be very lucrative, as I mentioned in this last slide. This slide tells you how can you make money as an ethical  hacker..
    Hopefully, you’re dying to know “How do I hack!?” It’s like hot wiring a car. To hot wire a car, you simply cut into the right part of the car, find the right pair of wires, and connect them together. It’s actually very simple once you know how a car works. I would wager that every good auto mechanic knows how to hot wire a car. Once you know how a car works, hacking the car is pretty obvious.

    Hacking computers is similar. Once you know how a computer works, hacking is often pretty simple. Hacking only seems mysterious to people who don’t know how computers work. One of my favorite all time quotes is:
    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
    Though, I would actually say “Any technology you don’t understand is indistinguishable from magic.” Once computers are no longer magic, you realize they are simply machines that can be manipulated just like any other machine you understand.
  • Computers talk to each other kind of like the way people talk to each other.
  •  For example, I could ask you “What’s 2+2?” (the request), you could calculate that and give me the answer (the response).
  •  Going farther with this analogy, let’s imagine there is a group of people gathered in a room. Every person in the room represents a computer. One person represents a “server,” which is simply a person (or computer) that receives requests, calculates results, and sends them back as responses.
  •  All the other people are “clients,” which are simply people (or computers) that give requests to servers.
  • The one person designated as the server will do math problems for you if you request it. 
  • The server can only work on one math problem at a time. The clients take turns asking the server to do math problems.
    Let’s think about hacking the server. Is there a way you could crash the server? Could you send a math problem to the server, that clogs it?
    If you ask the server “What’s 3278398457234 divided by 93672511″ I bet it would take a very long time for the person to calculate the result. And since the server can only work on one problem at a time, all the other client’s would be ignored while the server is working on that one really hard problem.
    then next ucan crash computers like anything!

    i will continue it in my next post....dudes.